by doktorsiundip | Oct 15, 2024 | News
Didi Supriyadi successfully received a Doctoral degree after a Dissertation Examination at the Information Systems Doctoral Study Program (DSI) in the Main Meeting Room, Building A, Floor 1, Postgraduate School, Diponegoro University (Undip) on Friday 11 October 2024
Dr Didi Supriyadi conducted dissertation research with the title “Academic Performance Classification Model Based on 3-Dimensional Multi-Factor Questionnaires (3DMF) and Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm”
Testing Team:
1. Prof. Ir. Mochamad Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chairman / Examiner)
2. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gernowo, M.Si (Conference Secretary / Examiner)
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Albertus Joko Santoso, M.T. (External Examiner / Atma Jaya University
4. Prof. Drs. Mustafid, M.Eng., Ph.D. (Examiner 1/ Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
5.Dr. Oky Dwi Nurhayati, S.T., M.T. (Examiner 2 / Undip Faculty of Engineering)
6.Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si. (Co Promoter / Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
7. Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA. (Promoter / Undip Faculty of Engineering)
“According to Dr. Didi Supriyadi, this dissertation research was carried out using the Academic Performance Classification Model Method Based on the 3-Dimensional Multi-Factor Questionnaire (3DMF) and Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm,” said Dr. Didi Supriyadi.
by doktorsiundip | Oct 1, 2024 | News
Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum succeeded in obtaining a doctorate degree. He won the title at the Information Systems Doctoral Study Program (DSI) at Diponegoro University (Undip) after the doctoral promotion exam, Monday (30/9/2024).
Dr Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum conducted dissertation research with the title “Development of a Customer Engagement Model with Gamification in Mobile Banking Applications”. Head of the Undip DSI Study Program, Prof Dr Rahmat Gernowo, said that Putri achieved a GPA of 4.00 and was the 14th graduate of the Undip DSI Study Program.
Deputy Chancellor I of UMB Yogyakarta Wafit Dinarto said that 50% of UMB Information Systems Study Program lecturers took doctoral studies at Undip. “Dr. Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum sat in her work so we placed her in the innovation institute on our campus,” he said.
Meanwhile, Putri explained, this research aims to develop a customer engagement model in mobile banking applications. The approach used is gamification, to increase engagement and satisfaction.
“Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET) is used to identify factors that influence customers’ intrinsic motivation through gamification elements. “These elements aim to increase intrinsic motivation (self-presentation, self-efficacy, and flow) and customer behavior,” he said.
This research method collects data through questionnaires from 451 mobile banking application users in Indonesia. Data analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) through two stages of model fit assessment.
The results showed that gamification elements significantly increased intrinsic motivation and customer engagement. This study also emphasizes the importance of dealing with imbalanced data using oversampling and undersampling techniques.
by doktorsiundip | Sep 25, 2024 | News
The Doctoral Proposal Seminar Examination for Information Systems of the Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University has been held for the following students:
Name: Agus Priyanto
NIM: 30000323510003
Dissertation title: Development of Convoluttonal Neural Network and Differential Evolution Models for Software Cost Estimation Prediction
Tuesday, September 25, 2024
10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Information Systems Doctoral Courtroom
TTB B Building, 5th Floor, Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University
Jl. No.5 Semarang Tengah Examiner TEAM
1. Prod Dr. Rahmad Gernowo, M.Si, Chair of the Court
2. Dr. Eng Adi Wibowo, S.Si, M.Kom, Protor
3. Dr. Aris Puji Widodo, S.Si, MT. Co- Promoter
4. Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, S.Si, M.Si, F.Med, Examiner I
5. Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Rizil Isnanto, ST, MM, MT, IPU, ASEAN Eng Examiner II
by doktorsiundip | Sep 24, 2024 | News
The Doctoral Proposal Seminar Examination for Information Systems of the Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University has been held for the following students:
Name: Warjiyono
NIM: 30000323510015
Dissertation title: Chatbot Al Quality Measurement Model in Government Public Information Services
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Doctoral Information Systems Courtroom
TTB B Building, 5th Floor, Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University
Jl. No.5 Semarang Tengah Examiner TEAM
1. Prof. Dr. Rahmad Gernowo, M.Si, Chair of the Court
2. Prof. Dr. Hadiyanto,ST,M.Sc.IPU, Promoter
3. Dinar Mutiara N, ST,M.InfoTech(Comp,Ph.D Co-Promoter
4. Dr. Aris Puji Widodo, S.Si,MT. Examiner 1
5. Dr. Maman Soemantri, ST,MT. Examiner II
by doktorsiundip | Sep 18, 2024 | News
The Doctoral Proposal Seminar Examination for Information Systems of the Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University has been held for the following students:
Name: Eka Puji Agustini
NIM: 30000323510010
Dissertation title: Multi-Agent System on Moringa Leaf Extractor Utilizing Deep Learning
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
13.00 – 15.00 WIB
Doctoral Information Systems Courtroom
TTB B Building, 5th Floor, Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University
Jl. No.5 Semarang Tengah Examiner TEAM
1. Prof. Dr.Ir. R. Rizal Isnanto, ST, MM, MT, IPU, ASEAN Chairperson of the Court
2. Prof. Dr. Rahmad Gernowo, MSI Promoter
3. Dr.Ir. Kurnianingsih, ST, MT. Co-Promoter
4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Aries Susanty, ST, MT, IPU Examiner one
5. Dr. Aris Sugiharto, S.Si, M.Kom. Examiner two
by doktorsiundip | Sep 18, 2024 | News
The Doctoral Results Seminar Examination of Information Systems of the Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University has been held for the students below:
name: Muhammad Joko Umbaran Haris Bahrudin
NIM: 30000320520046
dissertation title: Blockchain-Based Study Place System Using the Multi-Smart Contract Method for Decentralized Learning Systems
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
13.00 – 15.00 WIB
Information Systems Doctoral Courtroom
TTB B Building, 5th Floor, Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University
Jl. No.5 Semarang Tengah Examiner TEAM
1. Ptof. Dr. If. R. Rizal Isnanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., IPtJ, ASEAN Eng (Promoter / Faculty of Engineering Undip)
2. Prof. Dr. Rahrnat Gemowo, M.Si (Co-Promoter / Chair of the Session / Head of Information Systems Doctoral Study Program)
3. Dr. Drs. Catur Edi Wi dodo, M.T. (Examiner 1 / Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip)
4. Qidir Maulana Binu Soesanto, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Examiner 2 I Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip)
by doktorsiundip | Sep 13, 2024 | News
A seminar examination on the results of the Doctoral Information Systems Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University has been held for the following students:
Name: Wibowo Harry Sugiharto
NIM: 30000320510003
dissertation title: Integration of the Internet of Things and Analytical Hierarchy Process in
Development of a Water Quality Index for Early Detection of Digestion
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Information Systems Doctoral Conference Room
TTB B Building, 5th Floor Diponegoro University Postgraduate School
Jl. Imam Bardjo, SH. No.5 Central Semarang Testing TEAM
1. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gernowo, M.Si (Head of Session / Head of Information Systems Doctoral Study Program)
2. Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Heru Susanto, MM., MT (promoter / Undip Faculty of Engineering)
3. Agung Budi Prasetijo, S.T., M.LT., Ph.D. (Ko Promoter / Undip Faculty of Engineering)
4. Prof. Dr. If. Purwanto, DEA. (Examiner 1 / Undip Faculty of Engineering)
5. Dinar Mutiara Kusumo Nugraheni, S.T., M.InfoTech.(Comp)., PhD. (Examiner 2/ Faculty
Undip Science and Mathematics)
by doktorsiundip | Sep 13, 2024 | News
The Information Systems Doctoral Proposal Seminar Examination at the Postgraduate School of Diponegoro University has been held for the following students:
Name: Marsani Asfi
NIM: 30000323510014
dissertation title: Explainability of Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) Segmentation Models
Consumers with Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Information Systems Doctoral Conference Room
TTB B Building, 5th Floor Diponegoro University Postgraduate School
Jl. Imam Bardjo, SH. No.5 Central Semarang Testing TEAM
1. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gemowo, M.Si (Head of Session / Head of Information Systems Doctoral Study Program)
2.Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si. (promoter / Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
3.Dr. Eng. Adi Wibowo, S.Sc., M.Kom. (Co Promoter / Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
4. Farikhin, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Examiner 1 / Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip)
5.Dr. Iwan Setiawan, S.T., M.T. (Examiner 2/ Undip Faculty of Engineering)
by doktorsiundip | Sep 5, 2024 | News
SEMARANG- Lecturer at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTIK) at the University of Semarang (USM) Aria Hendrawan MKom successfully won a doctorate at the Information Systems Doctoral Study Program (DSI) at Diponegoro University (Undip) after the doctoral promotion exam on Wednesday, September 4 2024.
Dr Aria Hendrawan MKom conducted dissertation research with the title “Development of the Yolo Method for Vehicle Detection and Classification in Intelligent Transportation Systems”.
The Examining Team consists of Prof Ir Mochamad Agung Wibowo MM MSc PhD (Dean of Undip Postgraduate Studies), Prof Dr Ir R Rizal Isnanto ST MM MT IPU ASEAN Eng (Secretary of DSI Study Program), Prof Dr Rahmat Gernowo MSi (Promoter), Dr Oky Dwi Nurhayati ST MT (Co Promoter), Dr Drs Catur Edi Widodo MT (Examiner 1), Jatmiko Endro Suseno SSi MSi PhD (Examiner 2), and Prof Dr Ir Imam Riadi MKom as External Examiners from Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta.
Head of Undip DSI Study Program Prof Dr Rahmat Gernowo MSi said he was proud of the achievements of the DSI students and Dr Aria Hendrawan MKom was the 12th graduate.
USM Chancellor Dr Supari MT said that currently USM has 92 lecturers with doctoral qualifications and Dr Aria Hendrawan is the 93rd doctor.
“Dr Aria Hendrawan is the third doctorate in the USM Informatics Engineering study program and will strengthen human resources, especially in the field of information technology, Dr Aria Hendrawan.
“This research develops an optimized YOLO model, named YOLO-ARIA (You Only Look Once Artificial Intelligent Real-Time Analysis), to increase the accuracy and speed of vehicle detection and classification. The research began by collecting video datasets from CCTV in several strategic locations in Semarang City. “The video is converted into imagery that is used as model input,” he added.
by doktorsiundip | Aug 30, 2024 | News
Development of Cross-Operator General Electric Vehicle Charging Station Access Model Using WebSocket Cascode and Open Chinge Point Protocal, Achieve Doctorate
SEMARANG- Dwidharma Priyasta successfully achieved a doctorate after defending her dissertation in front of examiners at the dissertation examination (doctoral promotion) for the Information Systems Doctoral Study Program (DSI) at the Postgraduate School Building, Diponegoro University (Undip) on Tuesday, 30 August 2024.
Dr Dwidharma Priyasta conducted dissertation research with the title “Development of a Cross-Operator Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station Access Model Using WebSocket Cascode and Open Chinge Point Protocal”.
The Examining Team consists of Prof. Ir Mochamad Agung Wibowo MM MSc PhD (Dean of Undip Postgraduate Studies), Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gernowo MSi (Head of DSI Undip Study Program), Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, ST.M.Sc.IPU (Promoter), Dr Reza Septiawan (Co Promoter), Prof. Zainal A. Hasibuan, PhD External Examiner (Examiner 1), Prof.Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA. (Examiner 2), and Dr. Wahyul Amen
Head of DSI Undip Study Program Prof Dr Rahmat Gernowo MSi said he was proud of the achievements of the DSI students and Dr Dwidharma Priyasta was the 10th graduate.
Dr Dwidharma Priyasta, who today was announced to have graduated and received a doctorate and achieved a GPA of 3.86 with cum laude predicate.