Two Five Undip Professors who were inaugurated from 5 to 5 Sept. 19, 2023

Two Five Undip Professors who were inaugurated from 5 to 5 Sept. 19, 2023

Diponegoro University has once again recorded an extraordinary historical event, namely the Inauguration of Professors with the highest number throughout 2023, namely 42 (forty two) Professors. The procession for the inauguration of the Professor will take place in 2 (two) stages. Beginning with the inauguration procession of 25 (twenty five) Professors scheduled for the period from 5 to 5. September 19, 2023. Following the inauguration procession of the next 17 (seventeen) professors. The inauguration procession was held in the Prof Soedarto building, SH, Undip Tembalang campus. In one day the inauguration procession is divided into 2 (two) sessions, namely the morning and afternoon sessions. Currently Diponegoro University has 195 (one hundred and ninety five) active professors.

UNDIP Inaugurates International Standard Basketball Sports Hall

UNDIP Inaugurates International Standard Basketball Sports Hall

Undip added one international standard facility, namely the Basketball Sports Hall (GOR), which is located to the east of the Undip Stadium and adjacent to the Undip Education Reservoir. This sports facility is named after Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo Wibowo, M.S.Med., Sp. And(K). He is the former Chancellor of Diponegoro University who served from 2006 to 2010. The inauguration ceremony took place Friday morning (1/9/2023) by the Chancellor of Diponegoro University, attended by the Vice Chancellors, Chair of the Academic Senate, Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees, Deans, former Undip Chancellor for the 2010-2014 period Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES, Ph.D., and the family of the late Prof. Susilo Wibowo.

In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H. M. Hum. said that the naming of Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo Wibowo, M.S.Med., Sp. And(K). This is done to implement the Undip principle of mikul dhuwur mendhem jero (carrying high, planting deeply) which means that as children, we must respect and elevate the status of our parents. “I remember Prof. Sus always says this. “‘You must shoot the highest star, because if you missed you should another middle star, don’t just shoot the moon, because if you missed you shoot nothing.’ That is the spirit of Undip to try to reach the highest,” said Undip Chancellor. .

“I ask permission from the family. This is part of our respect for his (Prof. Susilo Wibowo) and family’s services. He was so enthusiastic and accomplished, of course, because of the support of his family,” added Prof. Yos Johan Utama.

UNDIP Successfully Participates in the Business Matching of Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Product Innovations

UNDIP Successfully Participates in the Business Matching of Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Product Innovations

Diponegoro University is a PTNBH that continues to move to create technological inventions from research and development results. Undip has produced innovative products in the health and pharmaceutical fields, as well as encouraging the accelerated downstreaming of research results, especially medical devices and pharmaceuticals so that the benefits can be felt by the community as well as a form of Undip’s commitment to support the Government’s priority program to achieve self-reliance in the production of domestic medical devices. Undip’s downstream efforts are carried out through collaboration, both with the government and with the business world and the industrial world.

In order to implement Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning Accelerating the Increase in the Use of Domestic Products and Products for Micro, Small Enterprises and Cooperatives in the Context of the Success of the Proud Made in Indonesia National Movement and the implementation of Diponegoro University Chancellor’s Regulation Number 30 of 2020 concerning Governance and Transfer Intellectual Property and Results of Research, Development, Innovation and Community Service, Undip seeks to create strategic collaborations and synergies between Diponegoro University and Industry as a contribution to achieving 8 (eight) Key Performance Indicators (IKU) and downstreaming innovative work products, one of which is through business matching.

Undip successfully participated in the “Business Matching Product Innovation of Medical and Pharmaceutical Devices”, on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 at the JW Marriot Hotel, Jalan Ring Road Utara, Kaliwaru, Condongcatur, Depok, DIY. The event was attended by representatives from 36 producers, 27 distributors and 27 researchers representing universities throughout Indonesia.

Undip sent 2 researchers in the field of Medical Devices and Pharmacy, namely Dr. Rifky Ismail from the Faculty of Engineering along with research assistants and Dr. drh. Dwi Sutiningsih from the Faculty of Public Health and the Directorate of Innovation and Cooperation Team, drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Ph.D. (Director) and Dr. I. Made Bayu Dirgantara (Deputy Director) and from the Innovation and Cooperation Bureau represented by Mas Anantha Boedhy Prakosa, S.T., M.Sc. (Innovation Section Manager) and Yuni Nurjanah, S.S., M.A. (Supervisor of Research Results Downstream Subdivision).

Many manufacturers are interested in Undip medical equipment and plan to collaborate to produce Undip research results for commercialization in the future, including PT THC Martin Industri (a non-electromedical non-sterile manufacturer) which requires needles/blood type and widal detection devices. Because it uses a lot, continuously, and the product is still imported. There are still many producers and distributors who are interested in collaborating with Undip to downstream and upstream Undip research results which in the future will be followed up with personal business matching between the two parties.

Digital Security Innovation: The Success of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s 2023 Bug Bounty Competition Award at FEB UNDIP

Digital Security Innovation: The Success of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s 2023 Bug Bounty Competition Award at FEB UNDIP

Semarang (23/8) – Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim highlighted the importance of cybersecurity in technological developments at the 2023 Kemendikbudristek Award Bug Bounty Competition in the Entrepreneurship Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Diponegoro University ( Undip). This hybrid activity is the second edition initiated by the EDU CSIRT (Education Computer Security Incident Response Team) Pusdatin Kemendikbudristek, as an effort to deal with increasingly rampant data leaks.

This activity also supports the Minister of Education Regulation No. 11 of 2022 concerning Information Security Management Systems (SMKI) within the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE). Hasan Chabibie, Head of the Center for Data and Information Technology (Kapusdatin) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, appreciated the success of this event with a significantly larger number of participants than the previous year. Where the number of participants registered in 2022 was recorded at 228 participants, while in 2023 the number of registered participants reached 504 participants.

This event also featured information security seminars which were held in a hybrid manner via zoom meetings, presenting speakers from the Minister of Research and Technology in the Working Cabinet (2014–2019) and also as a representative from FEB Undip Prof. Drs. H. Mohamad Nasir, as well as interesting material from the CEO of Braincorp, Romi Satria Wibawa, M.Eng., Ph.D.

As for the Deputy Dean of FEB Undip, Drs. Waskito Kawedar, M.Sc., A.kt, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Culture for agreeing to make Undip the venue for the implementation of the 2023 Kemendikbudristek Bug Bounty Award. By holding this event which is structured with a seminar, it is hoped that it will inspire the invitees present from among students and educators who in the city of Semarang and throughout the archipelago who attended online.

The Bug Bounty Competition will be an annual activity to oversee the implementation of SPBE within the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this event, 208 reports of vulnerability findings were recorded from applications belonging to the Ministry of Education and Culture’s work unit, helping to improve applications and improve information security in the environment. It is hoped that this event will become an arena for collaboration between the Center for Data and Information of the Ministry of Education and Culture, service owners and Bug Hunters to implement SPBE within the Ministry of Education and Culture. And can be a positive culture in dealing with cyber incidents.

At the peak of the event, awards were given to 3 winners in each of the Educator categories, Student categories, and Student categories.

Workshop on Utilization of Scopus, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest databases to increase international scientific publications at Diponegoro University

Workshop on Utilization of Scopus, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest databases to increase international scientific publications at Diponegoro University

Workshop on Utilization of Scopus, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest databases to increase international scientific publications at Diponegoro University

Execution time:
🗓️ Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Choose a session
🕗 Session 1: 08.30 – 11.30 WIB
🕗 Session 2: 12.00 – 15.00 WIB
📍 4th floor in the Undip Library UPT Building
🌐 Webinar Registration:

Open to Undip Academic Community
Register soon, limited seats
Get e-certificate, materials & knowledge, snacks & lunch

Contact Person +62 821-3587-6098

Greetings literacy

kulon course Doctor of Information Systems Diponegoro University

Welcome to KULON 2 UNDIP, this is an official e-learning application in Undip. These are useful information for all KULON 2 user:

  1. All users may use this website after success login using SSO Undip.

  2. As dashboard in SSO is appear in landing page, KULON 2 UNDIP may be accessed through the box entitled “Online Course / Kuliah Online” in “Aplikasi & Layanan” sub item. In the beginning, users should finalize their profiles page as well as verify the email address. Verified users may access the dashboard directly without editing their profiles.

  3. Courses may be found in Dashboard page or Profile page (courses list) or My active course menu in the left  side of main page.

  4. Tutorial for KULON 2 UNDIP is available entirely in this playlist (available only in Bahasa Indonesia):

UNDIP KKN-T Students Help Arrange Durian Agrotourism Master Plan in Sukorejo Village Themed “Agro-Educultural Park”

UNDIP KKN-T Students Help Arrange Durian Agrotourism Master Plan in Sukorejo Village Themed “Agro-Educultural Park”

Sukorejo Village is one of the areas located in Sambirejo District, Sragen which is currently being intensively developing in the tourism sector, especially for the durian center agro-tourism area in the Mount Sigit area. The development of this durian center was funded through CSR Holding Danareksa for 1,000 durian seeds of the Monthong, Bawor and Musangking types. This assistance also includes the construction of supporting facilities in the form of irrigation pipes for watering and caring for durian seedlings.

Simultaneously with the development of this durian agro-tourism area, Sukorejo Village is also developing a local cultural art known as “CongYang” which is a blend of keroncong and wayang arts. This new art is expected to become an identity and branding to strengthen the character of Sukorejo Village. Sukrisno (Head of Sukorejo Village) explained that the durian center area will later function as a center for introducing CongYang culture, as currently there is a cultural house which can later function as an educational facility for tourists. “The puppets that we will display here are made of used cardboard, so if they are damaged, we can replace them immediately, it’s not expensive if they are made of cardboard,” he said.

In order to support the realization of the development of this durian agro-tourism area, through the Thematic IDBU-KKN program at Diponegoro University with the chief executive Dr. Ir. Cahya Setya Utama, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM, Diponegoro University Thematic KKN students helped design an area master plan with the Agro-Educultural Park theme as an implementation of durian agro-tourism and the cultural education area, especially the CongYang art which is currently being developed in the village. Sukorejo.

Through this master plan, it is hoped that it can provide an overview of the direction of development of the durian center area in Mount Sigit. Not only related to agro-tourism and CongYang, this design also provides space for MSME actors, especially for local products typical of Sukorejo Village so that the space provided is expected to help improve the economy of the Sukorejo Village area. The potential for MSME development will be maximized in this area considering that tourist areas will bring in many visitors so that it is expected to be able to create added value for the community’s economy. The agro-tourism area will be integrated with tourism objects that are currently being developed. In addition to preparing tourist spots that are currently being worked on, complementary tourism facilities have been prepared, especially homestays.

Information Systems Doctoral Matriculation 2023/2024

Information Systems Doctoral Matriculation 2023/2024

Definition of Marticulation and Matriculation Function?

Matriculation is an activity carried out to increase the initial knowledge and skills expected by students to participate in learning activities at a specific level. Matriculation is expected when students come from diverse backgrounds, presumably not having the required knowledge and standard abilities. The Matriculation program aims to achieve the same “level of entry” for all students, containing the strengthening of material that should have been mastered.

Towards the start of lectures, matriculation is a term that is often heard on campus, especially for new students. Indeed, matriculation is part of efforts to provide education that can be found in many tertiary institutions, both at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels. Generally, this activity contains light subjects with the aim of refreshing the students’ memory.

Not only that, the matriculation also aims to equalize students’ basic perceptions and understanding regarding a field of knowledge that is their concern. Therefore, many people say that matriculation is an important thing to hold.

New Student Character Education Year 2023 Undip Postgraduate School

New Student Character Education Year 2023 Undip Postgraduate School

New Student Character Education Activities for 2023 Undip Postgraduate School, 6 Study Programs will be participated in at the School:

Program. Environmental Science Doctoral Studies
Information Systems Doctoral Study Program
Environmental Science Masters Study Program
Epidemiology Masters Study Program
Information Systems Master Study Program
Energy Master Study Program

event held:

day, date : Wednesday, 16 August 2023 / 08.00WIB until finished
place : Meeting Room, TTB-B Building, 2nd Floor
Graduate School – Diponegoro University
Jln. Imam Bardjo, SH, No. 5 Semarang
agenda : Agenda Attached


Semarang, 16 August 2023 Opening
Singing the Indonesia Raya Prayer Song
Speech by the Dean and at the same time opening Dr. RH. Sularto, S.H, M.Hum
SPS Vision-Mission, Values, Goals and Strategic Plan by Andi Prabowo, S. Kom., M Kom. Academic and Student Affairs
Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU Governance, Facilities and Infrastructure Deputy Dean of Resources SPs: Prof. Dr. Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, M.App.Sc.
Learning Tips in Post-Pandemic Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Sc.
Adjunct Professor from Future Regions Prof. Peter Gell

Research Centre, Federation University, Australia “Developing a Good Research.
for Publications”
Ethics in the Academic World Dr. drh. Dwi Sutiningsih, M. Kes.
Publications for Prof. Dr. Students Rabmat Gemowo, M.Sc.
Achievement Behavior in the Academic World Eng. Maryono, S.T., M.T.
Growing Entrepreneurial Spirit for Dr. Ir. Jaka Windarta, MT.
Introduction to SIAP UNDIP Dr. Oky Dwi Nurhayati, S.T., M.T.
Best Practice Tips for Completion of Postgraduate Student Studies Prof.Dr. Ir. R Rizal Isnanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., IPU, ASEANEng.
SPs Dean Closing:Dr. RB. Sularto, S.H., M.Hum.

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru | MIL UNDIP