A Dissertation Proposal Seminar for the Information Systems Doctoral Program has been held
name : Avip Kurniawan
NIM : 30000320520040
Dissertation title: Leaf Disease Detection Model in Rice Plants to Support Rice Productivity Based on Machine Learning
which will be held on:
day, date time
Sellin, November 20, 2023
08.00 -10.00 WIB
Information Systems Doctoral Conference Room
ITB B Building, 5th Floor Diponegoro University Postgraduate School
JI. Imam Bardjo, SH. No. 5 Semarang
with the Testing Team:
1. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gernowo, M.Si (Head of Session/Head of Information Systems Doctoral Study Program)
2. Prof. Dr. Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, M.App.Sc (promoter of Undip Postgraduate School)
3.Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si. (Ko Promoter Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip)
5.Dr. Aris Sugiharto, S.Si., M.Kom. (Examiner l/Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
6.Dr. Wahyudi, S.T., M.T. (Undip Faculty of Engineering 2I Examiner)