Textbook Incentives in 2023 (Batch 1) Diponegoro University Provides Incentives for Textbooks, ISBN Management and Printing Fees
2023 Textbook Writing Program and efforts to improve
learning achievement with the SDL (Self Directory Learning) method, we hereby convey
that the Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) launched
Incentive Program for Writing Textbooks 2023 Batch 1. As for the provisions for writing books
teaching is as follows:
1. Communicative and semi-formal language style so that it is easy to understand.
2. Arranged using a flexible and structured learning structure basis.
3. Explain the learning outcomes of the course
4. At least 50 pages thick with DIKTI format.
5. Size 15 x 23 cm.
6. Textbook content may not contain SARA, not deviate from Pancasila and
1945 Constitution.
7. One lecturer can only submit 1 textbook title/1 budget year.
8. The submitted manuscript is for a new Textbook, not a revised edition.
9. The title of the book must be the same as the course title in the Study Program.
Textbook writing incentives are given in the amount of IDR 2,000,000 (two million rupiahs/book) with
the proportion of 60% for the first author and 40% divided equally for the second, third and author
so on. Incentives will be given in the form of Excess Performance Incentives (IKK).
for the process of printing textbooks and arranging ISBNs will be facilitated by LP2MP.
The period for submission of Batch 1 textbook manuscripts is June 5 to July 31, 2023.
In connection with this matter, we ask for help to inform the lecturers at
your environment. The Guidebook for Proposing Textbook Incentives can be accessed via