Call for Paper ICENIS 2023

Dear Respected Authors and Participants

School of Postgraduated Studies Diponegoro University proudly present

The 8th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, and Information Systems (ICENIS 2023) on August 8th-9th, 2023

The conference will be held in
📍Santika Hotel, Pandanaran Street, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia (Venue is subject to change, please check on the conference web)

With 7 Keynote Speakers

📌Prof. Dr. Noor Ismawati Binti Jaafar, Department of Decision Science, Faculty of Business and Economics
📌Asst. Prof. Dr. Saengduen Moonsom, Department of Protozoology & THOHUN, Coordinating Office, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
📌Prof. Alfonso J. Rodriquez-Morales, Institucion Universitaria vision de las Americas, Colombia
📌Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
📌Prof Peter Gell – Federation University, Australia/Adjunct Professor in School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University
📌Tomoya Kataoka – Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Ehime University
📌Assoc. Prof Byung Moo Lee – Sejong University, Korea (Artificial Intelligence) (in confirmation)

Theme for ICENIS 2023 is:
“Empowering Information Systems in the Fields of Energy, Health and Environment to face Society 5.0”

1. Energy
Energy management and policy
Energy planning and Education
Energy conservation and efficiency
Energy conversion technology
Renewable energy
Non-renewable energy / Fossil energy

2. Environment
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Policy, Planning and Education
Environmental Technology
Environmental Health and Toxicology
Environmental Epidemiology
Pollution Control
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure and Resilience

3. Epidemiology
Epidemiology related to disease and health event prevention and control
Managerial epidemiology
Environmental epidemiology
Occupational epidemiology
Nutritional epidemiology

4. Information Systems
Business Intelligence
Supply Chain Information Systems
Industrial Information Systems
Decision Support Systems
Smart Information Systems
Health, Safety and Environment Information Systems

Selected papers will be published in
📌 Proceeding index by Scopus
📌 E3S Web Conference
📌 Sinta 2 National Accredited Journal

Special edition at
📌 Environment and Ecology Research (Scopus Q3)
📌 Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Sinta2)
📌 Food Science and Technology (Scopus Q3)
📌 International Journal of Renewable Energy Development (Scopus Q3)
📌 Universal Journal of Agricultural Research (Scopus Q3/Q4)
📌International Journal of Human Movement and Sport Science (Scopus Q3)

Conference Fee

Student: IDR 2.500.000 (USD 200), additional paper: IDR 2.000.000 (USD 150)
Non-student: IDR 3.500.000 (USD 300), additional paper: IDR 2.500.000 (USD 200)

For participants make fee payment before May 29th, 2023 (BATCH 1) or before July 17th, 2023 (BATCH 2)
Student: IDR 2.000.000 (USD 150), additional paper: IDR 1.500.000 (USD 100)
Non-student: IDR 3.000.000 (USD 250), Additional paper: IDR 2.000.000 (USD 150)

For first 20 international participants will be free of charge

Indonesian Participant IDR 500,000
International Participant USD 50

All information will be update on

For further information, please contact
Dr. Ir. R. Rizal Isnanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., IPU, ASEAN Eng.
📱 +62 8112661508
Dr. drh. Dwi Sutiningsih, M.Kes
📱+62 81328022588
Dr. Oky Dwi Nurhayati, S.T., M.T.
📱+62 81993808000
Ekana Listianawati, S.Hum.
📱+62 81578933293

Thank you very much for your attention.

With best regrads
ICENIS 2023 Committee