A Seminar Examination on the Dissertation Results of the Information Systems Doctoral Program for students has been held below:

name : Ahmad Ilham
NIM : 30000320510016
dissertation title: Convolutional Neural Network Model Developed for Facial Expression Classification System in Patients with Neurological Disorders
which will be held on:

day, dateJ time place

Wednesday, November 22 2023
13.00 – 15.00 WLB
Information Systems Doctoral Conference Room
TTB B Building, 5th Floor Diponegoro University Postgraduate School
J1. Imam Bardjo, SH. No. 5 Semarang

with the Test TEAM:
1. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gemowo, M.Si (Head of Session/Head of Information Systems Doctoral Study Program)
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU (promoter of Undip Postgraduate School)
3.Dr. Drs. Chess Edi Widodo., M.T. (Co Promoter/Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
4. Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Sc., M.T. (examiner l/Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics)
5. Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Rizal Isnanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., IPU, ASEAN Eng. (Examiner 2/Faculty
Undip Engineering)