Undip added one international standard facility, namely the Basketball Sports Hall (GOR), which is located to the east of the Undip Stadium and adjacent to the Undip Education Reservoir. This sports facility is named after Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo Wibowo, M.S.Med., Sp. And(K). He is the former Chancellor of Diponegoro University who served from 2006 to 2010. The inauguration ceremony took place Friday morning (1/9/2023) by the Chancellor of Diponegoro University, attended by the Vice Chancellors, Chair of the Academic Senate, Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees, Deans, former Undip Chancellor for the 2010-2014 period Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES, Ph.D., and the family of the late Prof. Susilo Wibowo.
In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H. M. Hum. said that the naming of Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo Wibowo, M.S.Med., Sp. And(K). This is done to implement the Undip principle of mikul dhuwur mendhem jero (carrying high, planting deeply) which means that as children, we must respect and elevate the status of our parents. “I remember Prof. Sus always says this. “‘You must shoot the highest star, because if you missed you should another middle star, don’t just shoot the moon, because if you missed you shoot nothing.’ That is the spirit of Undip to try to reach the highest,” said Undip Chancellor. .
“I ask permission from the family. This is part of our respect for his (Prof. Susilo Wibowo) and family’s services. He was so enthusiastic and accomplished, of course, because of the support of his family,” added Prof. Yos Johan Utama.